Well, its been a crazy couple of weeks here in New Jersey!  As everyone knows, Hurricane Sandy blew through our state two weeks ago and caused quite a lot of confusion and damage.  Although our library here in New Brunswick was closed for a week due to lack of electricity, I’m happy to be able to report that our library, our staff, and our patrons seem to have all pulled through the storm without major injury or damage.  We know that many of our neighbors in other towns around the state are unable to say the same, and our thoughts go out to the people (and libraries) that have now begun the process of recovering from the storm.

If you’re a lover of libraries or a bookworm looking for ways to support the recovery efforts here in New Jersey, please keep in mind the upcoming YA for NJ auction.  Over 160 Young Adult authors will be donating items for this eBay auction, including signed books and advanced reading copies.  100% of the money raised in the auction will benefit the Community FoodBank of New Jersey!  Find out more at YA for NJ’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/YaForNj


Here in the Children’s Room at NBFPL we’re also turning our attention to attempts at getting back to normal – and that means great programs to look forward to!  Here’s an update on some of the cool stuff we have planned for November:

Book Cover Makeovers: I can’t wait to see what the kids create at this event!  We’ll choose our favorite books and design new covers that might entice others to read them.  I’m looking forward to putting up a great display of all the books with their made-over covers! Tuesday, 11/13/12 @ 4pm

Thanksgiving Feast: In a twist on the traditional Thanksgiving feast, we’ll make some fun desserts shaped like Turkeys, acorns, and pilgrim hats. Tasty and festive!  Tuesday, 11/20/12 @ 4pm

Captain Underpants Party: Captain Underpants is a popular guy around here, and what better way to celebrate him than with an underpants flinging competition, a Villainous Name Generator, and of course themed snacks! Tuesday, 11/27/12 @ 4pm

We’ve also got great stuff in the works for December, and our Friday Book Reviews will be back this Friday!  Keep checking in with us to find out about all the fun we’re having here in the Children’s Room!